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Lorca Lives! / ¡Lorca Vive!

A groundbreaking virtual bilingual theatrical festival

June / Junio 5 - 7, 2020


In celebration of the birthday and the legacy of the great

Spanish poet Federico García Lorca, we are proud to present the

first bilingual virtual theatrical festival Lorca Lives! / ¡Lorca Vive!”.


Con motivo del aniversario del nacimiento y el  legado

del gran poeta español Federico García Lorca,

presentaremos nuestro primer festival bilingüe virtual

“Lorca Lives! / ¡Lorca Vive!”.


All videos available on Youtube

click on links below

Interviews / Entrevistas

Robert Sanfiz, Executive Director of La Nacional 

Juan Guzman: Actor (Mexico)

Jonathan Reed-Wexler: Classical Actor (U.S.A)

Inma Heredia: Flamenco singer/cantante,

Dancer/bailarina, Actress (España)

Amaya Arberas: Soprano (España)

David Galvez: Guitarist (Peru)

Dani Franco: Actress (Venezuela/Colombia) 

Tali Roth: Classical guitarist (Israel) 

Randal y su Violin: Randal Torres & Ramiro Torres:

Guitarist (Ecuador)

Searching for Lorca /
Buscando a Lorca

Granada, España

video by Hernan Acuña

A Review of Danisarte's fabulous
Lorca festivals (2019)

Requiem for Lorca / Requiem por Lorca

& Celebrating Lorca / Celebrando a Lorca

video by Hernan Acuña


Lorca Lives! / ¡Lorca Vive! bilingual theatrical festival. is made possible in part with public funds from Creative Engagement,

supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and administered by LMCC.

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